Saturday, March 28, 2009

Gov. Panlilio for President? Why not!

Gov. Panlilio for President? Why not!

I recently attended a symposium on Good Governance by Pampanga Gov. Ed Palilio at St. Peter Gonzales de Thelmo Parish Church here in Aparri. The governor graphically narrated how he won the 2007 elections in Pampanga. He scholarly explained elements of good governance like transparency, accountability, participation of people in governance, among others, by the use of his first hand experiences as governor.

Personally there is nothing new in the concept of governance which he shared. There is good governance because of bad governance. But what was striking to hearing was the role and responsibility of the people, especially the Catholic faithful, in good governance. He said that the people should elect the right leaders of this country and not to allow moneyed people like the jueteng lords pushing down our throats their choice of candidates. Worse, these kingmakers would themselves decide to become political kings. Simply put, our people should vote according to their informed conscience and should not allow the kingmakers to magically fix the results of elections.

During the open forum, I asked the governor two things: first, is there a deadline for his period of discernment and divulge later to us whether or not he is running for the presidency? Governor Panlilio said that he is not setting a deadline. But when shall we know that his period of discernment is over? I asked him too whether he would take the challenge to run for the presidency if there would be no good candidates to choose from. He was consistent with his answer that he was open to the possibility of running for the presidency but only as the last option.

I agree with some who say that come 2010 national elections it would be the Good pitted against the Evil. If Governor Panlilio runs for the presidency he would be on the side of the Good of course. But without him as a presidential candidate, the 2010 national elections just the same would be a playing field of naughty devils. Our country would remain as hell as ever.

Why don’t we have a Christian Vote? Let us not be particular about the religious denomination this time. If a presidential candidate is bent to destroy the teachings of Christ then let us finish him with our Christian Vote. And any presidential candidate who lives a life of the gospel values of Christ then let us support and champion his cause.

1 comment:

  1. Reg,

    Why is there no Christian vote? Because Christian principles (as opposed to Christian affiliation) were never our defining values.

    It will be good for Fr. Ed to run - if only to see if a person can win on a purely moral platform. Cory was the closest we had to such a thing. HIstory is going to judge her harshly on the governance side. As for Fr. Ed, he has yet to show that he can govern strategically. Cleanness is not policy.

    There is something scary in calling for a “Christian vote.” Is it based on the numbers or the principles? Why not an Islamic vote?

    I now know why Christ never dabbled in politics. NEVER. It has no place in his teachings. He was also indifferent to denomination. “He who is not against you is with you.” NOw that, my friend, is the ultimate endorsement of inclusiveness.

    Beware the religious vote. It’s a trojan horse for bringing unelected men in skirts, collars and plaid suits into positions of EVEN greater power and influence.

    And before Pere Ed goes any further in courting our vote, let him lay down his principles on reproductive health and national defense. Without these, he’s just saying, “just trust me.” Sorry Fr. no cigar. You’ve been taking too many swigs off the sacramental wine if you think you can walk to Malacanang on a morality ticket.

    I’m sorry if I sound skeptical of churchmen and reigionists of any sort. I grew up in their schools and have seen them up close and personal. They are clerics first, citizens second.

    Let the good father answer the difficult questions first.


    PS “naughty devils” is an oxymoron - an asymmetric one

    Comment on May 17th, 2009 at 4:59 pm
